Friday, 28 October 2016

IoT Solutions That Connects Travelers to Airports

Imagine the world where you could remotely control your home appliances and switch it on or off. A place where you can control water pumps of your farm from far away distance. In the land where your devices automatically receive instructions and notifications when you enter the Beacon zone. Now with the help of IoT Solutions, you can get the glimpse of our future world.

An Internet of Things, as the name imply is the technology that influences object interoperability. All the objects in the network play the role of either transmitter or the receiver of the energy signals. In the nutshell, IoT converges multiple technologies including wireless communication, real-time analytics and embedded systems for wireless transmission.

The IoT system uses cloud-based applications to interpret and transmit the data coming from the connected devices. By doing so, the cloud enables the apps to work for you anytime, anywhere. So next time when you go shopping in a shopping mall under IoT influence, keep Bluetooth in your smartphone switched on. So when you step near the product of your liking, you can get notification on the product details and all the feature that it offers.

Role of Beacon in the IoT Solutions Framework

A Beacon could be thought of as an IoT device for transmission. It generates a Universally unique identifier (UUID) for every within-range compatible device. In order to allow transmission you need to keep Bluetooth of your smartphone turned on. Next thing the Beacon does is, it emits out signals which are grabbed by the apps/OS of the compatible devices and links are formed.

After establishing the link, the Beacon uses the collected information to carry out several tasks. Like tracking the physical location of the mobile user, triggering a specific action, configure a device to use them as – remote switch or to send personal notifications.

Other important constituents of IoT

It’s not just Beacons/Sensors, the airport also uses devices like wearables, virtual reality services and artificial intelligence to assist passengers. By implementing cutting-edge technologies like AI or the VR, airports are accurately able to measure passenger traffic on a real-time basis. In the same manner, specific apps like location aware apps help passengers to get directions and locate their way within the airport.

By unleashing the potential of Physical Web, IoT banks on the power of the web to pair objects and establish a link for data transfer. Just walk up to smart devices or specific zones like vending machine parking lot or bus station and pair your device for remote  accessing.

IoT Solutions influencing airport connectivity

Now with the help of your smartphones, you can electronically check-in at the airport and avoid long queues at the check-in counter. As soon as you progress towards the gate, you can use your smartphone to locate your plane and the seating.
For the airport management, Beacon-generated data analytics provide insights into traveler/staff activities and engagements in various public spots. The IoT sensors are placed at strategic locations to enable tracking of your baggage.

According to a study, nearly a third of all airports are already taking advantage of the Internet of Things. Often the sensors are placed in key locations of the airport to transpire information. Over the next three years, this number is expected to climb by 43%. In security checkpoints and baggage drop area maximum number of sensors are deployed for tracking. Whereas for areas like retail stores and areas surrounding boarding gates, only handful of sensors enable tracking.


It may take some time for IoT to completely spread its wings in industries and organizations.  Apparently many organizations nowadays are slowly switching towards  adopting  Internet of Things to revolutionize their enterprises. At this speed, soon you will see some of the enterprises completely controlled by Internet of Things.

LetsNurture has experience of crafting apps that enables IoT for startups, entrepreneurs and other retail business. Some of our IoT offerings include – Smart Parking, Wearable Development Email us Now –

Wednesday, 26 October 2016

IoT Solutions - Revolutionizing The Future Of Technology

Technological progress has revolutionized the modern world. Invention of IoT has led the researchers to explore the intricacies of : smart objects, its remote sensing abilities and interoperability across the network infrastructure.

The term IoT is expanded as Internet of Things, where each thing(smart object) is uniquely identifiable through its embedded computing system and is able to interoperate with other smart objects within the existing Internet infrastructure. Interconnection of these embedded devices is expected to usher in automation in several fields.

Smart objects or things are mixture of hardware, software, data and service. It includes variety of devices such as electronic chips, circuit boards or sensors, and operates using technologies like Near Field Communication, Bluetooth Low Energy and other communication methods. Latest IoT Solutions finds application in several modern systems such as smart homes, smart grids, smart logistics, smart cities

Smart Homes: Smart homes use 'home automation' technologies to provide homeowners with intelligent feedback and information by monitoring many aspects of a home.
Smart home's refrigerator, for example, may be able to catalogue its contents, suggest menus, recommend healthy alternatives, and order replacements as food is used up. Smart home may also control home utilities such as lighting, temperature, multimedia, security, window and door operations, and other functions.

Smart Grids: It allows two-way digital communication technology with the devices associated with the grid. Two-way communication transpire between the device in the field and the utility’s network operations center.

Each device on the network can be given sensors to gather data remotely from: power meters, voltage sensors, fault detectors etc. Smart grid’s automation technology lets the utility to adjust and control each individual device or millions of devices from a central location.

Smart Logistics: It automates shipping and delivery by exactly predicting the time of arrival, provides detailed item visibility data from the manufacturer to the retailer. In-transit visibility are cloud-based GPS and Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technologies, which provide identity, location, and other tracking information.

By putting an RFID chip in a pallet, for example, and a combined integrated device in the shipment vehicle, data is transferred into the cloud, and the devices can identify the pallet and not only share its position using GPS coordinates, but also bring in other data like weather conditions, traffic conditions, and driver-specific data i.e., driving pattern, average speed etc.

Smart Cities: Smart city is an urban development vision to integrate multiple information and communication technology and Internet of Things (IoT) solutions in a secure fashion to manage a city.
It involves management of schools, libraries, transportation systems, hospitals, power plants, water supply networks, waste management, law enforcement, and other community services with the assistance of technology.

Nowadays mobile app development companies also engage themselves in Smarthome App Development to furnish home automation solutions. It allows the smartphone user to control through the device all the possible digital electronics equipment inside their home that features home automation attributes.

The widespread adoption of the Internet of Things will take time, but the time line is advancing thanks to improvements in underlying technologies. Advances in wireless networking technology and the greater standardization of communications protocols make it possible to collect data from these sensors almost anywhere at any time.

With many organizations willing to adopt IoT to revolutionize their enterprises, the cutting edge technology is expected to get more acceptance in the years to come. 

At LetsNurture, We provide IoT solutions and latest technology offerings including Raspberry PI Solutions and also Wearable App Development.
If you have any requirement just send us an email to