iBeacon devices work on low frequency infrared rays or ultrasonic waves to direct instructions, communicate information and transferring of data to the paired smart devices.
Often large departmental stores and shopping malls have inventories preserved in back storerooms and warehouses. These inventory packets are attached with RFID tags that emits low frequency waves. These low waves are sensed by hidden Beacon sensors whenever the packets come within its proximity. This helps the shopkeepers to track and monitor all its inventories from theft or loss.
IBeacon enabled apps can register the smartphone devices to receive notifications upon entry or exit of beacon zones. A retail chain could notify a customer(through beacon app) with product info, product support info and easy mobile payment purchase on his smartphone. A pet owner could locate his pet with iBeacon transmitter belts. Parents could track their child’s attendance and progress in the classroom. A teacher could provide customized learning content to its students.
BLE signal that is emitted periodically would locate for devices that are suitable for information transfer and response receiving. It then sends notification to the user’s device asking permit and on approval, gradually transfers bits of data.
IBeacon transmission are categorized into three ranges: immediate (cm), near(few meters) and far(many meters). Transmission are weakened by interference and occlusions which impacts its accuracy. Information broadcast by iBeacons could be identified as either UUID(16 byte), Major value(2 byte) and Minor value(2 byte).
IBeacon has also widened the scope of communication with the consumers - on - move. One of the world’s leading airline Emirates has been using iBeacon based communication to help commuters find their gate, alert boarding times and help them track their luggage. Beacon generated data analytics provide insights into traveler activity and engagements in various public spots.
Beacons themselves come in a number of different formats, including small coin powered device, USB sticks and software versions. However, with its low energy emissions, Beacon also come up with lots of challenges including - limited data transmission rate, streaming hindrances, open security drawbacks and transmission disruptions due to overcrowding.
LetsNurture has an experience of crafting amazing beacon apps for retailers, entrepreneurs and other customers. Our featured iBeacon App Development has served customers across the world. Latest in our Beacon offering include museum apps and apps that could be integrated with kiosks. Visit our website www.letsnurture.com or email us at enquiry@letsnurture.com
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