Wednesday, 14 December 2016

Shop With Ease Through E-Commerce Websites And Smartphone Apps

Online shopping (curtesy :Shutterstock)
Shopping online is not only time saving and convenient, but also provides you to scroll through variety of products and gift items without compelling you to buy any. Another advantage of buying online is customer need not go from place to place and shops to shops to buy a branded shirt of a particular color, they could use filters provided by online shopping portals to find a specific match.

Difference of opinion usually prevail between buyers of different mindset. While many buyers believe online shopping gives them more varieties to choose from at a discounted rates, many other buyers are of opinion that buying offline from local wholesales or retailers gives them additional discounts, guarantees product quality, and provides easy replacement.

E-commerce online shopping portals and mobile commerce apps let consumers to view and compare products and allow them to give product reviews through rates and comments. Customers also have option to share worthy buy with family and friends over social media sites.

A typical e-commerce shopping website has a well planned layout, structured content, easy navigation and an user friendly interface. Any purchase redirects to either secured payment gateway that accepts debit or credit cards to pay for the order, or opens up the bank website for payment through internet banking.
Some websites offer ready to go ecommerce templates. Smaller businesses use virtual banks such as Paypal and Google wallet to accept and manage online payments. Larger e-commerce business however process payment using their own unique merchant account and specific business services.

Mobile phone devices such as smartphones and tablets have opened up avenue for mobile commerce. Unlike e-commerce, m-commerce works with or without internet. By enabling Wi-Fi network, smartphones could be instructed to work on internet. On the contrary when there is unavailability of internet connection, m-commerce transactions are transpired on 2G, 3G and 4G data networks.

Ecommerce Website Development usually entails usage of web and scripting languages like as HTML, JavaScript, Java, PHP, Python.. and database like MySQL, and Oracle. CMS Development on the other hand primarily focuses on publishing of content such as articles or blogs.

E-commerce has led to fast and convenient mean of shopping for people across the world. Even though the future of trading will be e-commerce, the role played by offline shopkeepers and vendors in servicing need of city public and the society can’t be overlooked.

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